Rehearsal Policies
- Please notify Director in advance if you must miss a rehearsal. Two excused absences are allowed per semester but please try to avoid absences if at all possible. Excused absences include illness or family travel. Commitment to attend rehearsals is vital to the strength of the choir.
- If a student is recovering from a minor illness that keeps them from feeling like singing, it is still recommended that they attend rehearsal if they are well enough and not considered contagious. Even if the student cannot sing, it is still beneficial for them to attend rehearsal to listen to the music and instruction.
- Please be punctual to all rehearsals. Plan to arrive by 5 minutes before the stated rehearsal time, ready to be immediately seated when your rehearsal time begins.
- Do not bring food, drink, or chewing gum to rehearsal. Students are allowed to bring water bottles if desired.
- Please dress modestly and neatly for rehearsals. No tight clothes, short shorts or low-necked or sleeveless shirts. If in doubt, please consider those who have very conservative standards in the area of clothing and seek to defer to them.
- Do not talk during rehearsal, except to ask or answer questions after raising your hand. It is very important to keep classroom behavior at the highest standard.
- Treat all members and directors/helpers respectfully and politely.